Visitors to Reception class
Thank you to our visitors who have helped us with our Transport topic!
We have been so lucky to have some amazing volunteers helping us with our transport topic. We have had three visitors who have given up their time to come and speak to the children about their interesting modes of transport. Millie's Dad brought his London Taxi in to show us and let all the children go inside and explore the interesting seats and buttons. Gary, a Firefighter from Stansted Airport, brought the amazing Fire Engine from the Airport to show us. It was huge! We could have fitted all 30 children in the front if we had tried. The children loved seeing how far the water sprayed from the hose and trying on Gary's helmet. We were also really lucky that Freddie's Dad popped in with his tractor to show us how it is equipped to work on the fields. He explained all the different things the tractor can do and showed the children the 'Fert Spreader' and how it works.
We'd like to say a huge thank you from the whole of Reception class to our volunteers for making our topic come to life! I would also like to thank all our parents for showing such support with our Transport topic through sending in amazing things for Show and Tell. We've had some wonderful photos and even some amazing model planes which have been such a special part of inspiring the children to learn.