At Rodings Primary School we recognise our statutory responsibilities in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children. We strive to provide a safe and welcoming environment so that children may flourish and develop as happy, engaged and confident individuals. Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility and all those directly connected (staff, volunteers, governors, leaders, parents, families and learners) play an important part in making our community safe and secure.
We believe that the best interests of children always come first. All our children are encouraged to voice a concern and opportunities are provided throughout their learning journey to understand how the staff at school can help them best. All our staff understand safe professional practice and adhere to our safeguarding policies including those relating to safer recruitment.
- Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Mr Colin Raraty
- tel: 01279 876288
- email:
- Deputy DSL: Mrs Annabel Brown
- Deputy DSL: Mr Darryl Crawley
- Deputy DSL: Mrs Andrea Paget
- Safeguarding Governor: Mrs Lauren Dearsley