Our Learning

Rodings Primary School is committed to providing a place of academic excellence, where children’s academic success is developed through a broad and deep curriculum. 

We have a passion for the creative arts and aim to provide inspirational opportunities and experiences for our children.  Through strong partnerships we show our commitment to developing creative individuals.

We want our children to be happy whilst with us. We nurture social intelligence through developing a toolkit to look after our own and each other's wellbeing. We give children responsibilities, freedoms, a voice and an opportunity to lead. 

Our school sits in the heart of our community, and we are committed to learning about our local area, through our curriculum. We are committed to developing meaningful links with organisations and individuals in our area.

In this section of the school website you will be able to find out more about the curriculum that we provide for the children at Rodings Primary School.

We will be running regular workshops throughout the year for parents, in which we will give additional information and context around the curriculum as whole, as well as individual aspects. We also plan to run workshops for parents on specific subjects and how at home you can support the work we are doing in school.

If you have any questions then please don't hesitate to get in touch with the curriculum leads.