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  • 18/05/24

    Rodings' Rainbow Run

    Rodings' Rainbow Run
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  • 09/06/23

    Ofsted Report

    We have now received a final copy of our Ofsted report following the two-day inspection that took place in May 2023.
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  • 25/01/23

    Sports for Champions Visit

    British gymnast, Courtney Tulloch, who is a double Commonwealth gold medallist, came to our school on the 25th of January 2023.  He came representing The Sports for Champions organisation who fundraise for athletes and schools. All the children in the school completed a series of fitness challe...
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  • 23/01/23

    Singing Squad at O2

    Our Singing Squad have been working hard learning the Young Voices songs and on Monday the 23rd they finally got to go to the O2 Arena in London to perform with 1000s of other children. The children left school at 11am and arrived at about midday. After eating lunch, they had an afternoon rehearsal...
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  • 16/01/23

    Toast Week 2023

    Last week (16th Jan) from Monday to Friday, we were able to buy toast for breaktime snack  for 20p a day- many children caught a slice of the action by bringing in a pound for toast for the whole week! This was a fundraising event with all proceeds going to the school to help buy more resources...
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  • 09/12/22

    Buddhism Assembly

    On the 8th of December, a visiting Buddhist teacher from the Harlow Buddhist Community called Edwina came in for an assembly. She taught us about their religion and told us the story of the Buddha.  The Buddha saw dead, sick and old people but didn't understand what was happening as he h...
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  • 21/11/22

    Year 6 Bikeability

    On the week of the 21st of November many of Swans class did the Bikeability course throughout the week. The aim of Bikeability is to teach safe cycling on the road. We started on our school playground for a test to make sure we were safe enough to ride on the road. When we got on the road we...
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  • 14/11/22

    Anti-Bullying Week

    Anti-bullying week started on Monday 14th of November. The theme for 2022 was ‘Reach Out’, which means that you can reach out to someone, whether you're being bullied or are a bully yourself, so that you can reach out for help to sort it out.  You can reach out to a range of peo...
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  • 04/11/22

    Year 4 Public Speaking

    On Wednesday 2nd November, year 4 took part in a public speaking worship. They were taught by a visitor called Mrs Kiedish, and they learnt how to speak confidently. Toucans learnt that there are three main elements of confident speaking: eye contact, a strong voice and using hand-gestures. The...
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  • 18/10/22

    Toucans Trip

    On the 18th October, Toucans (year 4) went on a school trip to the Wilderness Foundation in Chatene Green They did some activities like pond dipping and they also got to touch the skulls of a deer, fox, rabbit, cow and sheep. Another activity they did was a treasure hunt to find the letters which...
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  • 06/10/22

    Fire Safety Assembly

    On Thursday the 6th of October, the whole school enjoyed a fire safety assembly with Andrea who works with the police and fire services. The assembly taught us all about the dangers around Halloween, bonfire night and fireworks. A few things we learnt were:  Whilst out trick or...
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  • 29/09/22

    Phizz Factor Science Competition

    On the 29th of September 2022, a team of Rodings children from years 2-6 participated in the Phizz Factor science competition.  They drew scientists, did a body part matching activity(key stage 1), stuck internal organs on a model (key stage 2), did a paper aeroplane design contest (where th...
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