Vision and Values

Our Vision

At Rodings Primary School we strive to provide an excellence led and enriching experience for our children in a safe and stimulating environment. We have a skilled workforce and a high performing culture, which provides the right support at the right time for all children and staff. We work hard on outside engagement to develop strong relationships with our parents and community

We do this through

Rodings Primary School is committed to providing a place of academic excellence, where children’s academic success is developed through a broad and deep curriculum. 

We have a passion for the creative arts and aim to provide inspirational opportunities and experiences for our children.  Through strong partnerships we show our commitment to developing creative individuals.

We want our children to be happy whilst with us. We nurture social intelligence through developing a toolkit to look after our own and each other's wellbeing. We give children responsibilities, freedoms, a voice and an opportunity to lead. 

Our school sits in the heart of our community, and we are committed to learning about our local area, through our curriculum. We are committed to developing meaningful links with organisations and individuals in our area.



Our Core Values

The phrase we use to sum up our school ethos is:

Learning together, caring for each other

We believe that children should be encouraged to care for each other as well as being able to accept high levels of responsibility. Visitors regularly comment on the children's excellent learning behaviour. 

After a year of consultation with children, parents, staff and governors the Core Values were adopted in January 2016.