Dear Parents and Carers,
March Governors Report
The school governors met for their last meeting of the Spring Term this week and were delighted to meet and welcome our new governor, Kate Elsmore.
The minutes of our previous meeting in February were reviewed, discussed and approved.
We discussed our presence at the recent Parent Consultations and are considering repeating this for the October consultations. We would like to remind parents and carers to complete the survey and thank those that have done so already. We also discussed the Pupil survey, which will be going out in the Summer term.
Mr Raraty delivered his headteacher's report and we discussed progress with regard to the School Development Plan and Rodings Road Map. The Governors were satisfied with progress and we will review again in our July meeting in readiness for the new academic year.
We also reviewed our Governor Action Plan, which we continually monitor and we plan to complete a Governor Skills Audit survey ahead of our next meeting in April.
The Chair of the Finance committee gave us an end of year update and we approved the draft budget for the next year.
We discussed our recent visit to the school on 15th March with the focus on ‘Teaching and Learning’. Mr Crawley presented an update on his training on the teacher education fellowship and we had the opportunity to drop in on all the classes to observe and give feedback, which was well received.
The next scheduled Governor school visit will take place on 20th May and will focus on ‘Behaviour’.
We then finished the meeting by discussing and approving six policies and were pleased to hear that all governors were up to date with their Data Protection training.
We are excited about the School Parliament attending our next meeting on 22nd April and can’t wait to hear all about their ideas for the school.
We wish you all a Happy Easter!
Michelle Nicoll (Parent Governor)