After a bit of a quiet start to the term we have a couple of events coming up the next few weeks:
1st October – Friends of Rodings primary school AGM
Please arrive at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.
The AGM is a short meeting briefing our fundraising efforts over the previous year and where the money has been spent, as well as electing any new members. This is then followed by a wine and cheese reception where you will get the opportunity to informally chat to the Friends to find out more (or just drink wine and eat cheese!).
Please, please try to make an effort to attend this meeting. As a charity we have to meet a quorate of attendance at our AGM, if this is not met we may not be able to continue.
11th October – Bingo night – 6pm
Eyes down, dabbers at the ready for the first event of year – our ever popular family Bingo night is back!
Tickets include exciting games of Bingo (hosted by the one and only Mr R) and a chippy meal. See poster below for more information.
Book tickets via Arbor – school shop.
Please book tickets by the 8th October – book early to avoid disappointment.
Save the dates…
7th November – Fireworks night
The famous Rodings Firework Night will be here again!
More information to follow nearer the time but if you own a business and would like to sponsor our fireworks this year please get in touch. The sponsorship letter is below with more information.
29th November – Christmas Fair
It feels a little early to be mentioning Christmas already but this will soon come round. Keep this evening free for a very festive treat. More information to follow nearer the time.
If you would like anymore information about Friends of Rodings or are interested in joining the charity or the helpers list please email
Thank you from the Friends!