Parking and Traffic Issues
This morning, we had a very near miss where a child could have been seriously injured due to the way that people are driving and parking around school.
I know that the parking situation outside of school is not ideal, hectic and busy. However, we do need to be considerate of our neighbours, pedestrians other road users and the laws of the road.
There are an increasing numbers of cars parking on the zig-zag lines by the pedestrian crossing. This is a driving offence. I have been given registration numbers which I will start publishing if the parking situation doesn't improve.
Please use the kiss and drop in the morning rather than parking out the front. It may add a few minutes to your day but it is safer than reserving back onto the road when you leave.
Over the years, I have worked with various organisations at Essex County Council and locally to try and make the roads outside the school safer. The options are every limited so it is down to road users and parents to make sure that they are using the roads safely.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mr Raraty