Report from the Governing Board
On Monday evening the Governors met and were delighted to hear that we have two new parent governors joining us in December. We do still have vacancies for co-opted governors and whilst adverts have been placed if anyone knows someone who might be interested in becoming a governor and does not have a current connection with the school they should get in contact.
We received Mr Raraty’s report including details of attendance levels. This is currently at 97% which is the target we had set for the year. Considering the number of illnesses around and the time of year this is very encouraging. We then heard that all safeguarding training in school had been completed and the Safeguarding governor visit has been scheduled. Moving onto SEND we had an update on the current position and again the Governor for SEND is visiting the school this week.
The Board heard how Mr Partridge has settled in well to the school and has already had an impact on the various facilities issues.
Visits to the school are an essential part of our role. These should have a particular focus and we confirmed our schedule of visits and topics including monitoring the quality of writing, teaching and learning, assessments, inclusion, behaviour, transition from KS1 to KS2 and KS2 outcomes.
Mr Crawley then delivered an overview of the new Great Teaching Toolkit and explained how teachers are working on their personal development. Next year further work will be carried out with coaching and training. We look forward to hearing how this develops in the future.
The recent open day was busy with several prospective families having a look around our school. This is reassuring that we are very likely to have a full class of 30 joining us next September.
Finally, we approved the Homework Policy and Most Able Policy as well as the Pay Policy in principle.
Andrea Beard
Partnership Governor