From the Governing Board
Happy New Year to you all. Due to sickness a depleted Governing Board of just 4 governors together with Mr Raraty and Mr Crawley held their scheduled Governing Board meeting on Monday January 22nd.
Headteacher Colin Raraty gave his termly report which included the following. The planned Inclusion Review by Essex County Council has been postponed by ECC and will be rescheduled. Miss Raban and Mrs Oakley have returned to school at the start of this term. Mr Raraty attended the Autumn Safeguarding meeting with ECC.
Mr Crawley presented the latest pupil progress and attainment data which compared Autumn 2023 data with Autumn 2022 data. Standardised assessments are now being used and the results overall have improved from last year.
The new toilets, which are accessible directly from the playground, have been signed off and are now being used. The extension to the playground has recently been completed and has improved the appearance of that area of the playground. The site manager, Rob Partridge, is currently undertaking the annual Health and Safety review.
Mr Crawley is continuing his Fellowship training with the DFE-approved Ambitions Institute and is sharing and implementing new ideas learned with other staff.
A number of policies due for renewal were reviewed and approved.
The Board chair, Steph Green, will meet with the new school Parliament soon to discuss ideas they may have for improvements to the school.
The next scheduled Governor school visit will take place on February 6th and will focus on 'Quality of Written Work'.
John Hildrew (Co-opted governor)